Source code for

""" module for training new deepCR-mask models
import numpy as np
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm as tqdm
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm_notebook

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.autograd import Variable
from import DataLoader
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau

from deepCR.util import maskMetric
from deepCR.dataset import dataset
from deepCR.unet import WrappedModel, UNet2Sigmoid

__all__ = 'train'

[docs]class train(): def __init__(self, image, mask, ignore=None, sky=None, aug_sky=[0, 0], name='model', hidden=32, gpu=False, epoch=50, batch_size=16, lr=0.005, auto_lr_decay=True, lr_decay_patience=4, lr_decay_factor=0.1, save_after=1e5, plot_every=10, verbose=True, use_tqdm=False, use_tqdm_notebook=False, directory='./'): """ This is the class for training deepCR-mask. :param image: np.ndarray (N*W*W) training data: image array with CR. :param mask: np.ndarray (N*W*W) training data: CR mask array :param ignore: training data: Mask for taking loss. e.g., bad pixel, saturation, etc. :param sky: np.ndarray (N,) (optional) sky background :param aug_sky: [float, float]. If sky is provided, use random sky background in the range [aug_sky[0] * sky, aug_sky[1] * sky]. This serves as a regularizers to allow the trained model to adapt to a wider range of sky background or equivalently exposure time. Remedy the fact that exposure time in the training set is discrete and limited. :param name: model name. model saved to name_epoch.pth :param hidden: number of channels for the first convolution layer. default: 50 :param gpu: True if use GPU for training :param epoch: Number of epochs to train. default: 50 :param batch_size: training batch size. default: 16 :param lr: learning rate. default: 0.005 :param auto_lr_decay: reduce learning rate by "lr_decay_factor" after validation loss do not decrease for "lr_decay_patience" + 1 epochs. :param lr_decay_patience: reduce learning rate by lr_decay_factor after validation loss do not decrease for "lr_decay_patience" + 1 epochs. :param lr_decay_factor: multiplicative factor by which to reduce learning rate. :param save_after: epoch after which trainer automatically saves model state with lowest validation loss :param plot_every: for every "plot_every" epoch, plot mask prediction and ground truth for 1st image in validation set. :param verbose: print validation loss and detection rates for every epoch. :param use_tqdm: whether to show tqdm progress bar. :param use_tqdm_notebook: whether to use jupyter notebook version of tqdm. Overwrites tqdm_default. :param directory: directory relative to current path to save trained model. """ if sky is None and aug_sky != [0, 0]: raise AttributeError('Var (sky) is required for sky background augmentation!') if ignore is None: ignore = np.zeros_like(image) assert image.shape == mask.shape == ignore.shape assert image.shape[1] == image.shape[2] data_train = dataset(image, mask, ignore, sky, part='train', aug_sky=aug_sky) data_val = dataset(image, mask, ignore, sky, part='val', aug_sky=aug_sky) self.TrainLoader = DataLoader(data_train, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=1) self.ValLoader = DataLoader(data_val, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=1) self.shape = image.shape[1] = name if gpu: self.dtype = torch.cuda.FloatTensor self.dint = torch.cuda.ByteTensor = nn.DataParallel(UNet2Sigmoid(1,1,hidden)) else: self.dtype = torch.FloatTensor self.dint = torch.ByteTensor = WrappedModel(UNet2Sigmoid(1,1,hidden)) self.optimizer = optim.Adam(, lr=lr) if auto_lr_decay: self.lr_scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(self.optimizer, factor=lr_decay_factor, patience=lr_decay_patience, cooldown=2, verbose=True, threshold=0.005) else: self.lr_scheduler = self._void_lr_scheduler self.BCELoss = nn.BCELoss() self.validation_loss = [] self.epoch_mask = 0 self.save_after = save_after self.n_epochs = epoch self.every = plot_every = directory self.verbose = verbose self.mode0_complete = False if use_tqdm_notebook: self.tqdm = tqdm_notebook else: self.tqdm = tqdm self.disable_tqdm = not (use_tqdm_notebook or use_tqdm)
[docs] def set_input(self, img0, mask, ignore): """ :param img0: input image :param mask: CR mask :param ignore: loss mask :return: None """ self.img0 = Variable(img0.type(self.dtype)).view(-1, 1, self.shape, self.shape) self.mask = Variable(mask.type(self.dtype)).view(-1, 1, self.shape, self.shape) self.ignore = Variable(ignore.type(self.dtype)).view(-1, 1, self.shape, self.shape)
@staticmethod def _void_lr_scheduler(self, metric): pass
[docs] def validate_mask(self): """ :return: validation loss. print TPR and FPR at threshold = 0.5. """ lmask = 0; count = 0 metric = np.zeros(4) for i, dat in enumerate(self.ValLoader): n = dat[0].shape[0] count += n self.set_input(*dat) self.pdt_mask = loss = self.backward_network() lmask += float(loss.detach()) * n metric += maskMetric(self.pdt_mask.reshape(-1, self.shape, self.shape).detach().cpu().numpy() > 0.5, dat[1].numpy()) lmask /= count TP, TN, FP, FN = metric[0], metric[1], metric[2], metric[3] TPR = TP / (TP + FN) FPR = FP / (FP + TN) if self.verbose: print('[TPR=%.3f, FPR=%.3f] @threshold = 0.5' % (TPR, FPR)) return (lmask)
[docs] def train(self): """ call this function to start training network :return: None """ if self.verbose: print('Begin first {} epochs of training'.format(int(self.n_epochs * 0.4 + 0.5))) print('Use batch activate statistics for batch normalization; keep running mean to be used after ' 'these epochs') print('') self.train_initial(int(self.n_epochs * 0.4 + 0.5)) filename = self.load(filename) self.set_to_eval() if self.verbose: print('Continue onto next {} epochs of training'.format(self.n_epochs - int(self.n_epochs * 0.4 + 0.5))) print('Batch normalization running statistics frozen and used') print('') self.train_continue(self.n_epochs - int(self.n_epochs * 0.4 + 0.5))
[docs] def train_initial(self, epochs): for epoch in self.tqdm(range(epochs), disable=self.disable_tqdm): for t, dat in enumerate(self.TrainLoader): self.optimize_network(dat) self.epoch_mask += 1 if self.epoch_mask % self.every == 0: self.plot_example() if self.verbose: print('----------- epoch = %d -----------' % (self.epoch_mask)) val_loss = self.validate_mask() self.validation_loss.append(val_loss) if self.verbose: print('loss = %.4f' % (self.validation_loss[-1])) if (np.array(self.validation_loss)[-1] == np.array( self.validation_loss).min() and self.epoch_mask > self.save_after): filename = if self.verbose: print('Saved to {}.pth'.format(filename)) self.lr_scheduler.step(self.validation_loss[-1]) if self.verbose: print('')
[docs] def train_continue(self, epochs): for epoch in self.tqdm(range(epochs), disable=self.disable_tqdm): for t, dat in enumerate(self.TrainLoader): self.optimize_network(dat) self.epoch_mask += 1 if self.epoch_mask % self.every==0: self.plot_example() if self.verbose: print('----------- epoch = %d -----------' % self.epoch_mask) valLossMask = self.validate_mask() self.validation_loss.append(valLossMask) if self.verbose: print('loss = %.4f' % (self.validation_loss[-1])) if (np.array(self.validation_loss)[-1] == np.array( self.validation_loss).min() and self.epoch_mask > self.save_after): filename = if self.verbose: print('Saved to {}.pth'.format(filename)) self.lr_scheduler.step(self.validation_loss[-1]) if self.verbose: print('')
[docs] def plot_example(self): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 30)) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(np.log(self.img0[0, 0].detach().cpu().numpy()), cmap='gray') plt.title('epoch=%d' % self.epoch_mask) plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(self.pdt_mask[0, 0].detach().cpu().numpy() > 0.5, cmap='gray') plt.title('prediction > 0.5') plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(self.mask[0, 0].detach().cpu().numpy(), cmap='gray') plt.title('ground truth')
[docs] def set_to_eval(self):
[docs] def optimize_network(self, dat): self.set_input(*dat) self.pdt_mask = self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = self.backward_network() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step()
[docs] def backward_network(self): loss = self.BCELoss(self.pdt_mask * (1 - self.ignore), self.mask * (1 - self.ignore)) return loss
[docs] def plot_loss(self): """ plot validation loss vs. epoch :return: None """ plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) plt.plot(range(self.epoch_mask), self.validation_loss) plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.title('Validation loss')
[docs] def save(self): """ save trained network parameters to date_model_name_epoch*.pth :return: None """ time = time = str(time)[:10] filename = '%s_%s_epoch%d' % (time,, self.epoch_mask), + filename + '.pth') return filename
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Continue training from a previous model state saved to filename :param filename: (str) filename (without ".pth") to load model state :return: None """ + filename + '.pth')) loc = filename.find('epoch') + 5 self.epoch_mask = int(filename[loc:])